# Configuration Properties

Following is the list of configuration properties for generating your project from the TrueLicense Maven Archetype in alphabetic order. Please check the Example Configurations page to see how to apply these properties.


Property names and values are case-sensitive.


If you want to change the value of these properties, then it’s generally necessary to regenerate the project from the TrueLicense Maven Archetype.


Even if all their property values are equal, the license keys of any two generated projects will not be compatible unless both projects also share the following key store files (see below for default values):

  • keygen/src/main/resources/${privateKeyStoreFile}
  • keymgr/src/main/resources/${ftpKeyStoreFile}
  • keymgr/src/main/resources/${publicKeyStoreFile}

# Required Properties

# artifactId


The Maven artifact ID of the root POM (opens new window) for the generated project. This could match the name of your software product, e.g. product, or be generic, e.g. license.


A Maven artifact ID must not contain spaces and should consist of only lower-case characters - see Maven Coordinates (opens new window).

# company


The display name of your company, e.g. Company Inc..


token (opens new window)

# groupId


The Maven group ID for the generated project. This could be the reversed domain name for your company plus the name of the software product.


A Maven group ID must not contain spaces and should consist of only lower-case characters - see Maven Coordinates (opens new window).

# password


The common password for accessing keystores and encrypting license keys.


A string of at least eight characters which must contain letters and digits. You should consider this to be the bare minimum. Choosing a longer password with additional punctuation characters significantly improves the security level of your licensing schema.

# subject


The license management subject. The value of this property gets stored in the generated license keys and is used for validation. A global.namespace.truelicense.api.LicenseValidationException gets thrown if the validation fails. It's best practice including the name of your software product, and a version number range for which the license keys are valid, e.g. Product 1 or Product 1.X. The license validation step compares the entire string, so the version number format doesn't matter. If you want to obsolete existing license keys in a future release then all you need to do is to change the value of this property, e.g. to Product 2 or Product 2.X.


token (opens new window)

# version


The Maven version for the generated project. This should match the version of your software product.


token (opens new window)

# Optional Properties

# artifactName


The display name of the parent POM for the generated project. This could be the name of your software product, e.g. Product, or be generic, e.g. License.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# customClasspathScope


Declares the scope of the class path for the custom classes referenced by the properties with the name pattern *Class.


Enter compile to declare that custom classes are available on the class path at compile time. The advantage is that the classes can be safely included in the byte code obfuscation process. The disadvantage is that the classes need to be known at compile time so that manual editing of the dependencies in the generated POM files for the Key Generator or Key Manager module may be necessary.

Enter runtime to declare that custom classes are available on the class path at runtime only. The advantage is that the classes don't need to be known at compile time so that manual editing of the generated POM files should not be necessary. The disadvantage is that the classes need to be generally excluded from the byte code obfuscation process, e.g. for the Key Manager module. This is considered to be a security leak and therefore should be generally avoided. However, this is not true for ProGuard (opens new window): TrueLicense generates code for dynamic class loading which is correctly recognized and obfuscated by ProGuard so that it's safe to use this option with ProGuard.

Default Value


# disableWizard


Whether the Swing wizard dialog in the Key Manager module should be disabled or not. Enter true to remove the dependency on the TrueLicense Swing module and reduce the code size.


boolean (opens new window)

Default Value


# editions


A space separated list of edition names, ordered from supersets to subsets, e.g. enterprise standard. Each name must be a valid Java identifier name and should be camel-cased with a lower-case initial character. The names edition and ftp are reserved for internal use.


A space separated list of valid identifiers in the Java language.

Default Value


# freeTrialPeriod


The number of days for an auto-generated Free Trial Period (FTP). Needs to be a non-negative integer, e.g. 30. Specify 0 to disable the auto-generation of FTP license keys.


nonNegativeInteger (opens new window)

Default Value


# ftpKeyStoreFile


The path of the FTP keystore file in the Key Manager module relative to the base path keymgr/src/main/resources/. This property gets ignored if the property freeTrialPeriod is set to 0. Otherwise, if this property is set to -, then it gets overridden by the property publicKeyStoreFile.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# ftpSecretMarkerClass


A fully qualified binary class name which declares the user or system preferences node to use for storing the auto-generated FTP license key. This property gets ignored if the property freeTrialPeriod is set to 0. Otherwise, the package name of the referenced class needs to be kept secret because removing the FTP license key from the preferences' node triggers the auto-generation of another FTP license key! The named class gets dynamically loaded at run time, so it doesn't have to be on the compile-time class path of the Key Manager module.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# hideUninstallAction


Whether the Swing wizard dialog in the Key Manager module should hide the action for uninstalling the license key or not.


boolean (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyGenAuthorization


An expression of the type global.namespace.truelicense.api.LicenseManagementAuthorization for use in the Key Generator module. Enter - to use no license authorization.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyGenValidation


An expression of the type global.namespace.truelicense.api.LicenseValidation for use in the Key Generator module. Enter - to use only the built-in license validation function.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyGenValidationComposition


Selects the composition strategy for license validation functions in the Key Generator module. This property gets ignored if the property keyGenValidation is set to -.


Enter override to apply only the custom function. Enter decorate to apply both the custom function and the built-in function.

Default Value


# keyMgrAuthorization


An expression of the type global.namespace.truelicense.api.LicenseManagementAuthorization for use in the Key Manager module. Enter - to use no license authorization.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyMgrClock


An expression of the type java.time.Clock for use in the Key Manager module. Enter - to use the system clock.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyMgrValidation


An expression of the type global.namespace.truelicense.api.LicenseValidation for use in the Key Manager module. Enter - to use only the built-in license validation function.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyMgrValidationComposition


Selects the composition strategy for license validation functions in the Key Manager module. This property gets ignored if the property keyMgrValidation is set to -.


Enter override to apply only the custom function. Enter decorate to apply both the custom function and the built-in function.

Default Value


# keyPairAlgorithm


The algorithm to use when generating key pairs in the keystore files on the first build. This property gets ignored if the keystore files already exist. The algorithm needs to be implemented by some security provider which is installed in the JRE.


The name of a KeyPairGenerator algorithm (opens new window):

  • DiffieHellman
  • DSA
  • EC
  • RSA
  • X25519 (requires Java 11 or later)
  • X448 (requires Java 11 or later)
  • XDH (requires Java 11 or later)
Default Value


# keyPairSize


The key size in bits when generating key pairs in the keystore files at the first build. This property gets ignored if the keystore files already exist. Otherwise, if it's 0, then the property gets overridden by the keytool. Otherwise, the bit size needs to correspond to the property keyPairAlgorithm and be implemented by some security provider which is installed in the JRE.


nonNegativeInteger (opens new window)

Default Value


# keyStoreType


The default keystore type. The type needs to be implemented by some security provider which is installed in the JRE.


The name of a KeyStore type (opens new window):

  • DKS
  • JKS
  • PKCS11
  • PKCS12
Default Value

If the property licenseKeyFormat is set to V1, then this property gets set to JKS, or else if the property licenseKeyFormat starts with V2/, then it gets set to JCEKS, or else to PKCS12.

# licenseKeyFormat


The format of the license keys. Enter V4 to benefit from the latest cryptographic standards. It was introduced in TrueLicense 4 and depends on the Jackson JSON Processor. Enter V2/JSON only if you need to retain compatibility with this license key format. It was introduced in TrueLicense 2 and depends on the Jackson JSON Processor. Enter V2/XML only if you need to retain compatibility with this license key format. It was introduced in TrueLicense 2 and depends on the JAXB API and runtime. Enter V1 only if you need to retain compatibility with this license key format. It was introduced in TrueLicense 1.


One of:

  • V1
  • V2/XML
  • V2/JSON
  • V4
Default Value


# package


The base package name of the generated project. It's best practice evaluating the expression ${groupId} or ${groupId}.${artifactId} if this results in a valid package name.


token (opens new window)

Default Value

The value of the property groupId.

# pbeAlgorithm


The algorithm for the password based encryption. The algorithm needs to be implemented by some security provider which is installed in the JRE.


The name of a Cipher algorithm (opens new window):

  • PBEWithMD5AndDES
  • PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES
  • PBEWithSHA1AndDESede
  • PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40
  • PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_128
  • PBEWithSHA1AndRC4_40
  • PBEWithSHA1AndRC4_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA1AndAES_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA224AndAES_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA384AndAES_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA512AndAES_128
  • PBEWithHmacSHA1AndAES_256
  • PBEWithHmacSHA224AndAES_256
  • PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_256
  • PBEWithHmacSHA384AndAES_256
  • PBEWithHmacSHA512AndAES_256
Default Value

If the property licenseKeyFormat is set to V1, then this property gets set to PBEWithMD5AndDES, or else if the property licenseKeyFormat starts with V2/, then it gets set to PBEWithSHA1AndDESede, or else to PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_128.

# preferencesType


The type of the preferences nodes where to install license keys. Note that system generally requires the JVM to be run with administrator privileges or otherwise a java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException may get thrown by the generated integration tests.


One of:

  • system
  • user
Default Value


# privateKeyStoreFile


The path of the private keystore file in the Key Generator module relative to the base path keygen/src/main/resources/.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# publicKeyStoreFile


The path of the public keystore file in the Key Manager module relative to the base path keymgr/src/main/resources/.


token (opens new window)

Default Value


# signatureAlgorithm


The algorithm to use when signing a generated key pair in a keystore file at the first build. This property gets ignored if the keystore file already exists. The signature algorithm needs to correspond to the property keyPairAlgorithm and be implemented by some security provider which is installed in the JRE.


The name of a Signature algorithm (opens new window):

  • NONEwithDSA
  • SHA1withDSA
  • SHA224withDSA
  • SHA256withDSA
  • SHA384withDSA
  • SHA512withDSA
  • SHA3-224withDSA
  • SHA3-256withDSA
  • SHA3-384withDSA
  • SHA3-512withDSA
  • NONEwithDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA1withDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA224withDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA256withDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA1withECDSA
  • SHA224withECDSA
  • SHA256withECDSA
  • SHA384withECDSA
  • SHA512withECDSA
  • SHA3-224withECDSA
  • SHA3-256withECDSA
  • SHA3-384withECDSA
  • SHA3-512withECDSA
  • NONEwithECDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA1withECDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA224withECDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA256withECDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA384withECDSAinP1363Format
  • SHA512withECDSAinP1363Format
  • NONEwithRSA
  • MD2withRSA
  • MD5withRSA
  • SHA1withRSA
  • SHA224withRSA
  • SHA256withRSA
  • SHA384withRSA
  • SHA512withRSA
  • SHA512/224withRSA
  • SHA512/256withRSA
  • SHA3-224withRSA
  • SHA3-256withRSA
  • SHA3-384withRSA
  • SHA3-512withRSA
Default Value

The property value gets determined by the keytool.

# trueLicenseVersion


The TrueLicense version to use.


token (opens new window)

Default Value

The version of the latest release as of the release date of the TrueLicense Maven Archetype.

# verboseCli


Whether the command line interface (CLI) should write debugging information to the standard error stream by default or not.


boolean (opens new window)

Default Value
